
The Power of Containerization: A Game-Changer for Software Development and Deployment

The Power of Containerization: A Game-Changer for Software Development and Deployment

By 2023, it seemed like everyone had heard about containerization. Most IT professionals, in one way or another, have launched software in containers at least once in their lives. But is this technology really as simple and understandable as it seems? Let’s explore it together!

The main goal of this article is to discuss containerization, provide key concepts for further study, and demonstrate a few simple practical techniques. For this reason, the theoretical material is simplified enough.

What is Containerization?

So, what exactly is containerization? At its core, containerization involves bundling an application and its dependencies into a single, lightweight package known as a container. The history of containerization begins in 1979 when the chroot system call was introduced in the UNIX kernel.

These containers encapsulate the application’s code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings, making it highly portable and independent of the underlying infrastructure. With containerization, developers can focus on writing code without worrying about the intricacies of the underlying system, ensuring that their applications run consistently and reliably across different environments.

Unlike traditional virtualization, which virtualizes the entire operating system, containers operate at the operating system level, sharing the host system’s kernel. This makes containers highly efficient and enables them to start up quickly, consume fewer resources, and achieve high performance.

Key Components and Concepts


Containers are created from images, which serve as blueprints or templates. An image is a read-only file that contains the necessary instructions for building and running a container. It includes the application code, dependencies, and configurations. Images are typically stored in registries and can be pulled and used to create multiple containers.

Container images are stored in a Registry Server and are versioned using tags. If a tag is not specified, the “latest” tag is used by default. Here are some examples of container images: Ubuntu, Postgres, NGINX.

Registry Server

Registry Server (also known as a registry or repository) is a storage location where container images are stored. Once an image is created on a local computer, it can be pushed to the registry and then pulled from there onto another computer to be run. Registries can be either public or private. Examples of registries include Docker Hub (repositories hosted on and RedHat (repositories hosted on


Containers are the running instances of images. They are isolated, lightweight, and provide a consistent runtime environment for the application. Containers are created from images and have their own filesystem, processes, network interfaces, and resource allocations. They offer process-level isolation and ensure that applications running inside a container do not interfere with each other or the host system.

Container Engine

Container Engine is a software platform that facilitates the packaging, distribution, and execution of applications in containers. It is responsible for downloading container images and, from a user perspective, launching containers (although the actual creation and execution of containers are handled by the Container Runtime). Examples of Container Engines include Docker and Podman.

Container Runtime 

Container Runtime is a software component that is responsible for creating and running containers. Examples of Container Runtimes include runc (a command-line tool based on the aforementioned libcontainer library) and crun.


A host refers to the server on which a Container Engine is running and where containers are executed.

? Experience the transformative potential of containerization with the expertise of Gart. Trust us to guide you through the world of containerization and unlock its full benefits for your business.

Comparison vs. Traditional Virtualization

While containerization and traditional virtualization share similarities in their goal of providing isolated execution environments, they differ in their approach and resource utilization:

Here’s a comparison table highlighting the differences between containerization and traditional virtualization:

ContainerizationTraditional Virtualization
IsolationLightweight isolation at the operating system level, sharing the host OS kernelFull isolation, each virtual machine has its own guest OS
Resource UsageEfficient resource utilization, containers share the host’s resourcesRequires more resources, each virtual machine has its own set of resources
PerformanceNear-native performance due to shared kernelSlightly reduced performance due to virtualization layer
Startup TimeAlmost instant startup timeLonger startup time due to booting an entire OS
PortabilityHighly portable across different environmentsLess portable, VMs may require adjustments for different hypervisors
ScalabilityEasier to scale horizontally with multiple containersScaling requires provisioning and managing additional virtual machines
Deployment SizeSmaller deployment size as containers share dependenciesLarger deployment size due to separate guest OS for each VM
Software EcosystemVast ecosystem with a wide range of container images and toolsEstablished ecosystem with support for various virtual machine images
Use CasesIdeal for microservices and containerized applicationsSuitable for running multiple different operating systems or legacy applications
ManagementSimplified management and orchestration with tools like KubernetesMore complex management and orchestration with tools like hypervisors and VM managers
Both approaches have their strengths and are suited for different scenarios.

In summary, containers provide a lightweight and efficient alternative to traditional virtualization. By sharing the host system’s kernel and operating system, containers offer rapid startup times, efficient resource utilization, and high portability, making them ideal for modern application development and deployment scenarios.

Isolation Mechanisms for Containers: Namespaces and Control Groups

The isolation mechanisms for containers in Linux are achieved through two kernel features: namespaces and control groups (cgroups).

Namespaces ensure that processes have their own isolated view of the system. There are several types of namespaces:

  • Filesystem (mount, mnt) – isolates the file system
  • UTS (UNIX Time-Sharing, uts) – isolates the hostname and domain name
  • Process Identifier (pid) – isolates processes
  • Network (net) – isolates network interfaces
  • Interprocess Communication (ipc) – isolates concurrent process communication
  • User – isolates user and group IDs

A process belongs to one namespace of each type, providing isolation in multiple dimensions.

Control groups ensure that processes do not compete for resources allocated to other processes. They limit (control) the amount of resources that a process can consume, including CPU, memory (RAM), network bandwidth, and more.

By combining namespaces and control groups, containers provide lightweight and isolated environments for running applications, ensuring efficient resource utilization and isolation between processes.

Containerization Technologies

Docker: The game-changer

Docker is one of the most popular and widely adopted containerization platforms that revolutionized the industry. It provides a complete ecosystem for building, packaging, and distributing containers. Docker allows developers to create container images using Dockerfiles, which specify the application’s dependencies and configuration. These images can then be easily shared, deployed, and run on any system that supports Docker. With its robust CLI and user-friendly interface, Docker simplifies the process of containerization, making it accessible to developers of all levels of expertise.

To install Docker, it is recommended to follow the official guide “Download and install Docker,” which provides detailed instructions for Linux, Windows, and Mac. Here are some important points to note:

  • Linux: Docker runs natively on Linux since containerization relies on Linux kernel features. You can refer to the official Docker documentation for Linux-specific installation instructions based on your distribution.
  • Windows: Docker can run almost natively on recent versions of Windows with the help of WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux). You can install Docker Desktop for Windows, which includes WSL2 integration, or use a Linux distribution within WSL2 to run Docker. The official Docker documentation provides step-by-step instructions for Windows installation.
  • Mac: Unlike Linux and Windows, Docker does not run natively on macOS. Instead, it uses virtualization to create a Linux-based environment. You can install Docker Desktop for Mac, which includes a lightweight virtual machine running Linux, allowing you to run Docker containers on macOS. The official Docker documentation provides detailed instructions for Mac installation.

Kubernetes: Orchestrating containers

Kubernetes, often referred to as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. While Docker excels in creating and packaging containers, Kubernetes provides advanced features for managing containerized workloads at scale. It offers features like automated scaling, load balancing, service discovery, and self-healing capabilities. Kubernetes uses declarative configurations to define the desired state of applications and ensures that the actual state matches the desired state, guaranteeing high availability and resilience. It has become the de facto standard for managing containers in production environments and is widely used for building and operating complex containerized applications.

Other containerization platforms and tools

In addition to Docker and Kubernetes, there are several other containerization platforms and tools available, each with its own unique features and use cases. Some notable examples include:

Containerd: Containerd is an open-source runtime that provides a reliable and high-performance container execution environment. It is designed to be embedded into larger container platforms or used directly by advanced users. Containerd focuses on core container runtime functionality, enabling efficient container execution and management.

rkt (pronounced “rocket”): rkt is a container runtime developed by CoreOS. It emphasizes security, simplicity, and composability. rkt follows the Unix philosophy of doing one thing well and integrates seamlessly with other container technologies. While it gained popularity in the early days of containerization, its usage has decreased in recent years with the rise of Docker and Kubernetes.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS): ECS is a fully managed container orchestration service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

It enables the deployment and management of containers using AWS infrastructure. ECS integrates with other AWS services, making it convenient for organizations already utilizing the AWS ecosystem.

Microsoft Azure Container Instances (ACI): ACI is a serverless container offering from Microsoft Azure. It allows users to quickly and easily run containers without managing the underlying infrastructure. ACI is well-suited for scenarios requiring on-demand container execution without the need for complex orchestration.

These are just a few examples of the diverse containerization platforms and tools available. Depending on specific requirements and preferences, developers and organizations can choose the platform that best aligns with their needs and seamlessly integrates into their existing infrastructure.

Containerization technologies continue to evolve rapidly, with new platforms and tools emerging regularly. As containerization becomes more prevalent, it is essential to stay updated with the latest advancements and evaluate the options available to make informed decisions when adopting containerization in software development and deployment workflows.

? Harness the revolutionary power of containerization with Gart. Let us empower your business through the adoption of containerization.

Tips Before Practicing with Containers:

When working with containers, the following tips can be helpful:

  • Basic Scenario – Download an image, create a container, and execute commands inside it: Start with a simple scenario where you download a container image, create a container from it, and run commands inside the container.
  • Documentation for running containers: Find the documentation for running containers, including the image path and the necessary commands with their flags. You can often find this information in the image registry (such as Docker Hub, which has a convenient search feature) or in the ReadMe file of the project’s source code repository. It is recommended to use official documentation and trusted images from reputable sources when creating and saving images to public registries. Examples include Docker Hub/nginx, Docker Hub/debian, and GitHub Readme/prometheus.
  • Use of “pull” command: The “pull” command is used to download container images. However, it is generally not necessary to explicitly use this command. Most commands (such as “create” and “run”) will automatically download the image if it is not found locally.
  • Specify repository and tag: When using commands like “pull”, “create”, “run”, etc., it is important to specify the repository and tag of the image. If not specified, the default values will be used, typically the repository “” and the tag “latest”.
  • Default command execution: When a container is started, it executes the default command or entry point defined in the image. However, you can also specify a different command to be executed when starting the container.

By following these tips, you can begin practicing with containers. Start with simple scenarios, refer to official documentation, use trusted images, and specify the necessary details such as repository, tag, and commands to execute. With practice and exploration, you will gain familiarity and proficiency in working with containers.

Real-World Example: IoT Device Management Using Kubernetes

Gart partnered with a leading product company in the microchip market to revolutionize their IoT device management. Leveraging our expertise in containerization and Kubernetes, we transformed their infrastructure to achieve efficient and scalable management of their extensive fleet of IoT devices.

By harnessing the power of containerization and Kubernetes, we enabled seamless portability, enhanced resource utilization, and simplified application management across diverse environments. Our client experienced the benefits of automated deployment, scaling, and monitoring, ensuring their IoT applications ran reliably on various devices.

This successful collaboration exemplifies the transformative impact of containerization and Kubernetes in the IoT domain. Our client, a prominent player in the microchip market, can now effectively manage their IoT ecosystem, achieving scalability, security, and efficiency in their device management processes.

? Read more: IoT Device Management Using Kubernetes

Benefits of Containerization

Containerization offers several benefits for businesses and application development. Some key advantages include:


Containers provide a consistent runtime environment, allowing applications to be easily moved between different systems, clouds, or even on-premises environments. This portability facilitates deployment flexibility and avoids vendor lock-in.


Containers enable efficient scaling of applications by allowing them to be easily replicated and distributed across multiple containers and hosts. This scalability ensures that applications can handle varying levels of workload and demand.

Resource Efficiency

Containers are lightweight, utilizing shared resources and minimizing overhead. They can run multiple isolated instances on a single host, optimizing resource utilization and reducing infrastructure costs.

Faster Deployment

With containerization, applications can be packaged as ready-to-run images, eliminating the need for complex installation and configuration processes. This speeds up the deployment process, enabling rapid application delivery and updates.

Isolation and Security

Containers provide process-level isolation, ensuring that applications run independently and securely. Each container has its own isolated runtime environment, preventing interference between applications and reducing the attack surface.

Development Efficiency

Containerization promotes DevOps practices by providing consistent environments for development, testing, and production. Developers can work with standardized containers, reducing compatibility issues and improving collaboration across teams.

Version Control and Rollbacks

Containers allow for versioning of images, enabling easy rollbacks to previous versions if needed. This version control simplifies application management and facilitates quick recovery from issues or failures.

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

Containers integrate well with CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated testing, building, and deployment. This streamlines the software development lifecycle and supports agile development practices.

Overall, containerization enhances agility, efficiency, and reliability in application development and deployment, making it a valuable technology for modern businesses.

Future Trends and Innovations

Serverless computing and containers

The convergence of serverless computing and containers is a promising trend in the future of application development and deployment. Serverless platforms, such as AWS Lambda and Azure Functions, abstract away infrastructure management and enable developers to focus solely on writing code. By combining serverless functions with containerization, developers can leverage the scalability, portability, and isolation benefits of containers while enjoying the event-driven, pay-per-use nature of serverless computing. This integration allows for efficient resource utilization, faster application development cycles, and cost optimization.

Edge computing and IoT

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow, the demand for edge computing capabilities becomes increasingly crucial. Edge computing brings computing resources closer to IoT devices, reducing latency and enhancing real-time data processing. Containers play a vital role in deploying and managing applications at the edge. They enable the efficient utilization of edge resources, facilitate rapid application deployment, and simplify software updates and maintenance. The combination of containers and edge computing empowers organizations to process and analyze IoT data locally, improving response times, bandwidth utilization, and overall system efficiency.

Machine learning and AI integration

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming various industries, and the integration of containers with ML/AI workflows is poised to drive further innovation. Containers provide a consistent and reproducible environment for ML/AI models, making it easier to package, deploy, and scale these complex applications. By containerizing ML/AI workloads, organizations can streamline development, enable faster experimentation, and simplify deployment across different environments. Containers also facilitate the integration of ML/AI capabilities into microservices architectures, enabling intelligent decision-making at scale.

Serverless container orchestration

Serverless container orchestration is an emerging trend that combines the benefits of serverless computing and containerization. It allows developers to deploy and manage containerized applications without the need to provision or manage underlying infrastructure directly. Serverless container orchestration platforms, like AWS Fargate and Google Cloud Run, abstract away the complexities of managing container clusters and autoscaling, while providing the benefits of container isolation and scalability. This trend simplifies the deployment and management of containerized applications, enabling developers to focus on application logic while enjoying the scalability and cost-efficiency of serverless architectures.

The future of containerization holds tremendous potential as it converges with other transformative technologies. The integration of serverless computing, edge computing, ML/AI, and serverless container orchestration will reshape the landscape of application development and deployment, enabling organizations to build scalable, intelligent, and efficient systems. By staying at the forefront of these trends and harnessing the power of containerization, developers and businesses can unlock new levels of innovation and competitiveness in the digital era.


How does containerization work?

Containerization works by leveraging operating system-level virtualization to create isolated environments, known as containers, that encapsulate applications and their dependencies. Containers share the host operating system kernel while providing process-level isolation, allowing applications to run consistently across different environments.

What is containerization in DevOps?

In DevOps, containerization is a practice that involves packaging applications and their dependencies into lightweight, portable containers. These containers can be easily deployed, scaled, and managed in various environments, enabling faster and more efficient application development, testing, and deployment processes.

Why containerization?

Containerization offers several benefits, such as portability, scalability, resource efficiency, faster deployment, isolation, and development efficiency. It allows for consistent application behavior across different environments, simplifies deployment and scaling, optimizes resource utilization, speeds up the delivery process, and supports agile development practices.

What is containerization in cybersecurity?

Containerization in cybersecurity refers to the use of containers as a security measure to isolate applications and mitigate potential threats. Containers provide process-level isolation, reducing the attack surface and minimizing the impact of potential security breaches. Additionally, container images can be scanned for vulnerabilities, and security policies can be applied to control container access and permissions, enhancing overall cybersecurity posture.
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