
From On-Premise to Cloud: Embarking on a Migration Journey with AWS and Azure

on-premise to cloud migration

In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of on-premise to cloud migration, demystifying the process and providing you with a comprehensive guide. Whether you’re a business owner, an IT professional, or simply curious about cloud migration, this post will equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the migration journey successfully.

How Cloud Migration Affects Your Business?

The impact of cloud migration on your company refers to the process of shifting operations from on-premise installations to the cloud. This migration involves transferring data, programs, and IT processes from an on-premise data center to a cloud-based infrastructure.

Similar to a physical relocation, cloud migration offers benefits such as cost savings and enhanced flexibility, surpassing those typically experienced when moving from a smaller to a larger office. The advantages of cloud migration can have a significant positive impact on businesses.

Pros and cons of on-premise to cloud migration

ScalabilityConnectivity dependency
Cost savingsMigration complexity
Agility and flexibilityVendor lock-in
Enhanced securityPotential learning curve
Improved collaborationDependency on cloud provider’s reliability
Disaster recovery and backupCompliance and regulatory concerns
High availability and redundancyData transfer and latency
Innovation and latest technologiesOngoing operational costs
Table summarizing the key aspects of on-premise to cloud migration

Looking for On-Premise to Cloud Migration? Contact Gart Today!

Gart’s Successful On-Premise to Cloud Migration Projects

Optimizing Costs and Operations for Cloud-Based SaaS E-Commerce Platform  

In this case study, you can find the journey of a cloud-based SaaS e-commerce platform that sought to optimize costs and operations through an on-premise to cloud migration. With a focus on improving efficiency, user experience, and time-to-market acceleration, the client collaborated with Gart to migrate their legacy platform to the cloud.

By leveraging the expertise of Gart’s team, the client achieved cost optimization, enhanced flexibility, and expanded product offerings through third-party integrations. The case study highlights the successful transformation, showcasing the benefits of on-premise to cloud migration in the context of a SaaS e-commerce platform.

Read more: Optimizing Costs and Operations for Cloud-Based SaaS E-Commerce Platform

Implementation of Nomad Cluster for Massively Parallel Computing

This case study highlights the journey of a software development company, specializing in Earth model construction using a waveform inversion algorithm. The company, known as S-Cube, faced the challenge of optimizing their infrastructure and improving scalability for their product, which analyzes large amounts of data in the energy industry.

This case study showcases the transformative power of on-premise to AWS cloud migration and the benefits of adopting modern cloud development techniques for improved infrastructure management and scalability in the software development industry.

Through rigorous testing and validation, the team demonstrated the system’s ability to handle large workloads and scale up to thousands of instances. The collaboration between S-Cube and Gart resulted in a new infrastructure setup that brings infrastructure management to the next level, meeting the client’s goals and validating the proof of concept.

Read more: Implementation of Nomad Cluster for Massively Parallel Computing

Understanding On-Premise Infrastructure

On-premise infrastructure refers to the physical hardware, software, and networking components that are owned, operated, and maintained within an organization’s premises or data centers. It involves deploying and managing servers, storage systems, networking devices, and other IT resources directly on-site.


  1. Control: Organizations have complete control over their infrastructure, allowing for customization, security configurations, and compliance adherence.
  2. Data security: By keeping data within their premises, organizations can implement security measures aligned with their specific requirements and have greater visibility and control over data protection.
  3. Compliance adherence: On-premise infrastructure offers a level of control that facilitates compliance with regulatory standards and industry-specific requirements.
  4. Predictable costs: With on-premise infrastructure, organizations have more control over their budgeting and can accurately forecast ongoing costs.


  1. Upfront costs: Setting up an on-premise infrastructure requires significant upfront investment in hardware, software licenses, and infrastructure setup.
  2. Scalability limitations: Scaling on-premise infrastructure requires additional investments in hardware and infrastructure, making it challenging to quickly adapt to changing business needs and demands.
  3. Maintenance and updates: Organizations are responsible for maintaining and updating their infrastructure, which requires dedicated IT staff, time, and resources.
  4. Limited flexibility: On-premise infrastructure can be less flexible compared to cloud solutions, as it may be challenging to quickly deploy new services or adapt to fluctuating resource demands.

Exploring the Cloud

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing resources, such as servers, storage, databases, software, and applications, over the internet. Instead of owning and managing physical infrastructure, organizations can access and utilize these resources on-demand from cloud service providers.

Benefits of cloud computing include:

  1. Cloud services allow organizations to easily scale their resources up or down based on demand, providing flexibility and cost-efficiency.
  2. With cloud computing, organizations can avoid upfront infrastructure costs and pay only for the resources they use, reducing capital expenditures.
  3. Cloud services enable users to access their applications and data from anywhere with an internet connection, promoting remote work and collaboration.
  4. Cloud providers typically offer robust infrastructure with high availability and redundancy, ensuring minimal downtime and improved reliability.
  5. Cloud providers implement advanced security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and regular data backups, to protect customer data.

Cloud Deployment Models: Public, Private, Hybrid

When considering a cloud migration strategy, it’s essential to understand the various deployment models available. Cloud deployment models determine how cloud resources are deployed and who has access to them. Understanding these deployment models will help organizations make informed decisions when determining the most suitable approach for their specific needs and requirements.

Deployment ModelDescriptionBenefitsConsiderations
Public CloudCloud services provided by third-party vendors over the internet, shared among multiple organizations.– Cost efficiency
– Scalability
– Reduced maintenance
– Limited control over infrastructure
– Data security concerns
– Compliance considerations
Private CloudCloud infrastructure dedicated to a single organization, either hosted on-premise or by a third-party provider.– Enhanced control and customization
– Increased security
– Compliance adherence
– Higher upfront costs
– Requires dedicated IT resources for maintenance
– Limited scalability compared to public cloud
Hybrid CloudCombination of public and private cloud environments, allowing organizations to leverage benefits from both models.– Flexibility to distribute workloads
– Scalability options
– Customization and control
– Complexity in managing both environments
– Potential integration challenges
– Data and application placement decisions
Table summarizing the key characteristics of the three cloud deployment models

Cloud Service Models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)

Cloud computing offers a range of service models, each designed to meet different needs and requirements. These service models, known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), provide varying levels of control and flexibility for organizations adopting cloud technology.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS provides virtualized computing resources, such as virtual machines, storage, and networking infrastructure. Organizations have control over the operating systems, applications, and middleware while the cloud provider manages the underlying infrastructure.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS offers a platform and development environment for building, testing, and deploying applications. It abstracts the underlying infrastructure, allowing developers to focus on coding and application logic rather than managing servers and infrastructure.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS delivers fully functional applications over the internet, eliminating the need for organizations to install, maintain, and update software locally. Users can access and use applications through a web browser.

Key Cloud Providers and Their Offerings

Selecting the right cloud provider is a critical step in ensuring a successful migration to the cloud. With numerous options available, organizations must carefully assess their requirements and evaluate cloud providers based on key factors such as offerings, performance, pricing, vendor lock-in risks, and scalability options.

  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS): Offers a wide range of cloud services, including compute, storage, database, AI, and analytics, through its AWS platform.
  2. Microsoft Azure: Provides a comprehensive set of cloud services, including virtual machines, databases, AI tools, and developer services, on its Azure platform.
  3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Offers cloud services for computing, storage, machine learning, and data analytics, along with a suite of developer tools and APIs.

Read more: How to Choose Cloud Provider: AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

Checklist for Preparing for Cloud Migration

  1. Assess your current infrastructure, applications, and data to understand their dependencies and compatibility with the cloud environment.
  2. Identify specific business requirements, scalability needs, and security considerations to align them with the cloud migration goals.
  3. Anticipate potential migration challenges and risks, such as data transfer limitations, application compatibility issues, and training needs for IT staff.
  4. Develop a well-defined migration strategy and timeline, outlining the step-by-step process of transitioning from on-premise to the cloud.
  5. Consider factors like the sequence of migrating applications, data, and services, and determine any necessary dependencies.
  6. Establish a realistic budget that covers costs associated with data transfer, infrastructure setup, training, and ongoing cloud services.
  7. Allocate resources effectively, including IT staff, external consultants, and cloud service providers, to ensure a seamless migration.
  8. Evaluate and select the most suitable cloud provider based on your specific needs, considering factors like offerings, performance, and compatibility.
  9. Compare pricing models, service level agreements (SLAs), and security measures of different cloud providers to make an informed decision.
  10. Examine vendor lock-in risks and consider strategies to mitigate them, such as using standards-based approaches and compatibility with multi-cloud or hybrid cloud architectures.
  11. Consider scalability options provided by cloud providers to accommodate current and future growth requirements.
  12. Ensure proper backup and disaster recovery plans are in place to protect data during the migration process.
  13. Communicate and involve stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners, to ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruptions.
  14. Test and validate the migration plan before executing it to identify any potential issues or gaps.
  15. Develop a comprehensive training plan to ensure the IT staff is equipped with the necessary skills to manage and operate the cloud environment effectively.

Ready to unlock the benefits of On-Premise to Cloud Migration? Contact Gart today for expert guidance and seamless transition to the cloud. Maximize scalability, optimize costs, and elevate your business operations.

Cloud Migration Strategies

When planning a cloud migration, organizations have several strategies to choose from based on their specific needs and requirements. Each strategy offers unique benefits and considerations.

Lift-and-Shift Migration

The lift-and-shift strategy involves migrating applications and workloads from on-premise infrastructure to the cloud without significant modifications. This approach focuses on rapid migration, minimizing changes to the application architecture. It offers a quick transition to the cloud but may not fully leverage cloud-native capabilities.


Replatforming, also known as lift-and-improve, involves migrating applications to the cloud while making minimal modifications to optimize them for the target cloud environment. This strategy aims to take advantage of cloud-native services and capabilities to improve scalability, performance, and efficiency. It strikes a balance between speed and optimization.

Refactoring (Cloud-Native)

Refactoring, or rearchitecting, entails redesigning applications to fully leverage cloud-native capabilities and services. This approach involves modifying the application’s architecture and code to be more scalable, resilient, and cost-effective in the cloud. Refactoring provides the highest level of optimization but requires significant time and resources.

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud strategy combines on-premise infrastructure with public and/or private cloud resources. Organizations retain some applications and data on-premise while migrating others to the cloud. This approach offers flexibility, allowing businesses to leverage cloud benefits while maintaining certain sensitive or critical workloads on-premise.


The multi-cloud strategy involves distributing workloads across multiple cloud providers. Organizations utilize different cloud platforms simultaneously, selecting the most suitable provider for each workload based on specific requirements. This strategy offers flexibility, avoids vendor lock-in, and optimizes services from various cloud providers.

Cloud Bursting

Cloud bursting enables organizations to dynamically scale their applications from on-premise infrastructure to the cloud during peak demand periods. It allows seamless scalability by leveraging additional resources from the cloud, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency.

Data Replication and Disaster Recovery

This strategy involves replicating and synchronizing data between on-premise systems and the cloud. It ensures data redundancy and enables efficient disaster recovery capabilities in the cloud environment.

Stay tuned for Gart’s Blog, where we empower you to embrace the potential of technology and unleash the possibilities of a cloud-enabled future.

Future-proof your business with our Cloud Consulting Services! Optimize costs, enhance security, and scale effortlessly in the cloud. Connect with us to revolutionize your digital presence.

Read more: Cloud vs. On-Premises: Choosing the Right Path for Your Data


What is On-Premise to Cloud Migration?

On-Premise to Cloud Migration refers to the process of moving an organization's IT infrastructure, applications, and data from their on-premise environment to a cloud computing platform. It involves transitioning from managing physical servers and infrastructure on-site to leveraging remote servers and services provided by cloud service providers.

Why Move from On-Premise to Cloud Computing?

Organizations move from on-premise to cloud computing for cost efficiency, scalability, enhanced security, improved collaboration, business continuity, and access to the latest technologies.

What are the key considerations when planning an on-premise to cloud migration?

Planning an on-premise to cloud migration requires careful consideration of factors such as infrastructure assessment, data migration strategies, application compatibility, security measures, and training requirements for IT staff.

Which cloud deployment model is suitable for my organization: public, private, or hybrid?

The choice of cloud deployment model depends on factors like data sensitivity, compliance requirements, resource control needs, and cost considerations. Public cloud offers scalability and cost-efficiency, private cloud offers enhanced security and control, while hybrid cloud combines the benefits of both.
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