
On-Premise to AWS Cloud Migration: A Step-by-Step Guide to Swiftly Migrating Enterprise-Level IT Infrastructure to the Cloud

On-Premise to AWS Cloud Migration: A Step-by-Step Guide to Swiftly Migrating Enterprise-Level IT Infrastructure to the Cloud

AWS cloud migration. The continuity and even the survival of any company’s business operations heavily depend on the reliability of its IT infrastructure. However, in today’s context, no on-premise architecture can fulfill the required conditions.

Presently, this challenge has become a major catalyst for significant transformations in how clients perceive and adopt cloud services. Particularly, internet-based businesses, financial institutions, logistics companies, and other enterprises are keenly experiencing the necessity to swiftly scale their computing capabilities while minimizing additional costs.

Embracing Cloud Solutions for Resource Optimization

Not too long ago, the concept of “cloud services” was novel and unfamiliar to the majority of companies. Businesses were accustomed to relying on their own infrastructure, considering it sufficiently reliable and secure. However, they encountered issues that were either extremely challenging or practically unsolvable within their local data centers. The primary problem was the fluctuating availability of computing resources, with the occasional excess or shortage. Accurately estimating the required resources necessitated lengthy planning, and various types of businesses faced periods of significantly increased service load throughout the year.

For example, take any well-known online store. Each new promotion, marketing campaign, or product discount triggered a substantial influx of users, putting considerable strain on the servers running the platform.

This presented two core challenges: first, rapidly scaling the service to handle the increased load, and second, dealing with resource constraints when physical resources were insufficient. Creating service copies and employing load balancers proved to be more efficient and feasible with a microservices architecture

Nonetheless, addressing the resource scarcity issue was more intricate, as acquiring new servers quickly was not a viable option. In cases where long-term resource planning fell short, promptly adding capacity became almost an impossible task. Consequently, service unavailability and significant financial losses were common occurrences. Even in instances of precise resource planning, the majority of the acquired additional resources remained largely underutilized.

Here comes the flexibility of public clouds to the rescue. Utilizing cloud services allows companies to pay only for the resources they actually use within specific time frames, and they have the ability to scale their consumption up or down at any moment. People often try to compare the cost of purchasing a physical server with renting resources in the cloud based solely on CPU, RAM, and Storage metrics, which is not entirely accurate. Of course, in such cases, using the cloud may appear to be expensive. However, many factors are not taken into account in such a comparison, such as the cost of consumed electricity, the salaries of technical specialists who manage these resources, physical and fire safety, and so on.

Ready to Accelerate Your Journey to the Cloud? Choose Gart as your trusted AWS migration partner for a seamless on-premise to AWS Cloud migration. Let’s dive in!

Drivers for AWS Cloud Migration

Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in companies’ demand for cloud services, which is entirely logical considering the advantages that companies gain through AWS cloud migration. Businesses identify the following drivers that motivate them to migrate:

  • Establishing a resilient infrastructure
  • Gaining quick access to computing power and services
  • High level of flexibility in infrastructure management
  • Optimization and scalability
  • Leveraging innovative solutions such as IoT, ML, AI
  • Complexity and duration of implementing hardware solutions
  • Cost reduction through the use of cloud technologies

Drivers for Cloud Migration

In summary, companies aspire to grow rapidly, enhance user experiences, implement digital transformation tools, and modernize their businesses. They reinvest the cost savings from infrastructure into developing their companies further.

Nearly every migration is a challenging undertaking. 

Business Outcomes after Migration

Cloud technologies offer companies a range of advantages, including:

  • Cost reduction compared to on-premise solutions (31%)
  • Increased staff productivity and quick onboarding (62%)
  • Enhanced flexibility in implementing new services (75%)

However, migration projects for large companies are complex decisions that require a comprehensive approach, combining the application of specific services, methodologies, and expertise in chosen cloud technologies. Often, executing migration projects without proper management methodologies significantly complicates the process and substantially extends the project timelines.

At Gart, we transform the migration process into a well-managed and conscious journey by offering a proven methodology, as a leader among cloud providers, integrating technical solutions with the company’s business objectives, and enhancing the competence of clients when working in cloud environments.

Moving forward, we will explore how to achieve a fast and effective migration to Amazon Web Services.

Don’t miss this opportunity to embrace the limitless possibilities of AWS Cloud with Gart by your side!. Contact Us

AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP)

For any organization, the key performance indicators for the successful implementation of new technologies typically revolve around stability, high availability, and cost-effectiveness. Hence, it is crucial to assess the company’s IT infrastructure and business processes’ readiness for cloud migration. To facilitate this process, AWS offers a specialized program called the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP).  

It is important to note that this program may not be applicable to all clients. For instance, migrating a single virtual server is unlikely to meet the requirements of this offer. However, for medium and large-scale companies seriously considering the adoption of cloud services, this program will be highly beneficial.

In addition to the comprehensive approach to AWS cloud migration, the MAP program provides clients with a significant discount on resource usage for a duration of three years. The program comprises three main stages: 

  • Assessment
  • Mobilization (testing)
  • Migration and modernization.


During the assessment stage, the officially authorized AWS MAP partner conducts an inventory of the client’s existing systems to develop a conceptual architecture for their migration to the cloud. A comprehensive business case is created, outlining how the infrastructure will look after the migration, the estimated cost for the client, and when it is advisable to transition from virtual machines to services. All client requirements regarding availability, resilience, and security are taken into account. Additionally, an evaluation of existing licenses, such as Oracle or Microsoft, is performed to determine whether it is beneficial to migrate them to the cloud or opt for renting them directly from the platform.

As a result, the client receives exhaustive information about migration possibilities and potential cost savings in the cloud. In some cases, these savings can reach up to 70%. Typically, the assessment stage takes 3-6 weeks, depending on the project’s complexity.


During the testing stage, a test environment is deployed in the cloud based on the developed architecture to verify the proposed solutions evaluated during the assessment phase.

Migration and modernization

After conducting all the tests, we move on to the final stage of the AWS MAP. At this stage, the production infrastructure is deployed in the cloud, and its optimization takes place. However, it’s essential to continuously analyze and optimize the infrastructure on a regular basis.

MAP AWS Benefits

The AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) offers several benefits, including:

Comprehensive Assessment

Clients receive a thorough evaluation of their IT infrastructure and business processes to assess readiness for AWS cloud migration.

Cost Savings

The program provides significant discounts on resource usage for three years, helping clients save costs during their migration journey.

Conceptual Architecture

A well-defined conceptual architecture is developed for the cloud migration, outlining the post-migration infrastructure and estimated costs.

License Optimization

Existing licenses, such as Oracle or Microsoft, are evaluated to determine the most cost-effective approach for their migration or rental on the cloud platform.

Test Environment

A test environment is set up in the cloud to validate the proposed solutions and ensure a smooth migration process.

Production Deployment and Optimization

After successful testing, the production infrastructure is deployed in the cloud and continuously optimized for performance and efficiency.

Regular Analysis and Optimization

The MAP ensures that infrastructure analysis and optimization are conducted regularly to maintain peak performance and cost-effectiveness.

Migration Approach: Lift-and-Shift, Replatforming, or Refactoring

Selecting the right migration approach is a crucial step in the cloud migration process. There are three primary migration approaches to consider:


This approach involves migrating applications and workloads to the cloud with minimal changes. It is a quick and straightforward method but may not fully leverage the benefits of cloud-native services.


Replatforming, also known as lift-tinker-and-shift, involves making some optimizations and adjustments to the applications to take advantage of cloud services while minimizing significant code changes.


This approach involves rearchitecting and reengineering applications to be cloud-native, fully leveraging the benefits of cloud services, scalability, and agility.

The selection of the migration approach depends on factors such as application complexity, business goals, cost considerations, and the desired level of cloud-native functionality. Each approach has its trade-offs, and the right choice will depend on the specific needs and priorities of the organization’s cloud migration journey.

In Conclusion: AWS Cloud Migration

If your organization is considering migrating to AWS and wants a smooth and efficient migration process, look no further than Gart. We can provide you with a comprehensive assessment, a well-defined migration plan, and cost-effective solutions. Whether you choose the lift-and-shift, replatforming, or refactoring approach, our team will guide you every step of the way to ensure a successful cloud migration. Take the next step towards unlocking the full potential of AWS and contact Gart today for a seamless transition to the cloud.

Read more: Cloud vs. On-Premises: Choosing the Right Path for Your Data

Navigate the cloud with confidence! Our Cloud Consulting experts provide tailored solutions for migration, scalability, and security. Ready to elevate your business? Get in touch for a transformative consultation.


What is on-premise to AWS cloud migration?

On-premise to AWS cloud migration refers to the process of moving an organization's applications, data, and infrastructure from its local data centers (on-premise) to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform. This transition allows businesses to leverage the benefits of cloud computing, such as scalability, flexibility, cost-efficiency, and access to a wide range of AWS services.

Is my data safe on AWS cloud?

Yes, AWS provides a highly secure environment for your data. They adhere to strict security standards, including encryption, access controls, and compliance certifications. Additionally, AWS offers various security services to enhance data protection and prevent unauthorized access.

How long does the migration process take?

The migration duration depends on factors such as the complexity of your infrastructure, data volume, and chosen migration strategy. Smaller migrations can be completed in weeks, while larger and more intricate projects may take several months. Proper planning and execution are essential to minimize downtime and ensure a smooth transition.

What happens to my on-premise infrastructure after migration?

Once the migration is complete, your on-premise infrastructure can be decommissioned or repurposed. Some organizations choose to keep certain data and applications on-premise due to specific compliance or regulatory requirements.

Which AWS services specialize in data migration from on-premises to AWS Cloud?

AWS offers several specialized services for data migration: * AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) for database migration. * AWS Server Migration Service (SMS) for virtualized server migration. * AWS Snow Family for offline large-scale data migration. * AWS DataSync for transferring data to AWS storage services. * AWS Transfer Family for secure file transfer to Amazon S3.

How to lead migration of enterprise infrastructure into the AWS Cloud?

To lead the migration successfully, follow these steps: * Conduct a thorough assessment and plan the migration strategy. * Ensure security and compliance alignment with AWS. * Plan data and application migration in phases, testing each step. * Provision necessary AWS resources. * Perform a pilot migration and validate the process. * Execute full-scale migration with minimal downtime. * Optimize resources and provide post-migration support.

What are the things to consider before migration to AWS Cloud?

Before migrating, consider: * Assessing the existing infrastructure and workloads. * Defining clear business objectives for migration. * Ensuring security and compliance requirements are met. * Planning data and application migration strategies. * Estimating and optimizing costs in the cloud. * Addressing application compatibility and staff training needs. * Establishing cloud governance and management practices.

Which statements explain the business value of migration to AWS Cloud?

The business value of migration includes: * Scalability and flexibility for dynamic workloads. * Cost efficiency with pay-as-you-go pricing. * Global reach and accessibility for wider market reach. * Improved performance and reliability with AWS infrastructure. * Enhanced security and compliance adherence. * Innovation and agility with access to cutting-edge services. * Simplified IT management and reduced maintenance. * Business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities. * Easier collaboration and integration with AWS tools. * Environmental sustainability through optimized resource usage.
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