
Crafting a Successful Cloud Migration Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Cloud Migration Strategy

Moving to the cloud is no longer just a trend; it’s a crucial strategic decision. Businesses now understand that adopting cloud solutions is not a choice but a necessity to stay competitive, resilient, and adaptable in today’s dynamic world.

The reasons for this increasing use of cloud services are practical and varied. They focus on four main goals: saving costs, scaling easily, being agile, and improving security.

Starting a cloud migration without a clear strategy can be overwhelming and expensive. This guide will help you create a successful plan for your cloud migration journey.

Cloud Migration Strategy Steps

Cloud migration is the process of moving an organization’s IT resources, including data, applications, and infrastructure, from on-premises or existing hosting environments to cloud-based services. 

Here is a table outlining the steps involved in a cloud migration strategy

1. Define ObjectivesClearly state the goals and reasons for migrating to the cloud.
2. Assessment and InventoryAnalyze current IT infrastructure, applications, and data. Categorize based on suitability.
3. Choose Cloud ModelDecide on public, private, or hybrid cloud deployment based on your needs.
4. Select Migration ApproachDetermine the approach for each application (e.g., rehost, refactor, rearchitect).
5. Estimate CostsCalculate migration and ongoing operation costs, including data transfer, storage, and compute.
6. Security and ComplianceIdentify security requirements and ensure compliance with regulations.
7. Data MigrationDevelop a plan for moving data, including cleansing, transformation, and validation.
8. Application MigrationPlan and execute the migration of each application, considering dependencies and testing.
9. Monitoring and OptimizationImplement cloud monitoring and optimize resources for cost-effectiveness.
10. Training and Change ManagementTrain your team and prepare for organizational changes.
11. Testing and ValidationConduct extensive testing and validation in the cloud environment.
12. Deployment and Go-LiveDeploy applications, monitor, and transition users to the cloud services.
13. Post-Migration ReviewReview the migration process for lessons learned and improvements.
14. DocumentationMaintain documentation for configurations, security policies, and procedures.
15. Governance and Cost ControlEstablish governance for cost control and resource management.
16. Backup and Disaster RecoveryImplement backup and recovery strategies for data and applications.
17. Continuous OptimizationContinuously review and optimize the cloud environment for efficiency.
18. Scaling and GrowthPlan for future scalability and growth to accommodate evolving needs.
19. Compliance and AuditingRegularly audit and ensure compliance with security and regulatory standards.
20. Feedback and IterationGather feedback and make continuous improvements to your strategy.
This table provides an overview of the key steps in a cloud migration strategy, which should be customized to fit the specific needs and goals of your organization.

Pre-Migration Preparation: Analyzing Your Current IT Landscape

Before your cloud migration journey begins, gaining a deep understanding of your current IT setup is crucial. This phase sets the stage for a successful migration by helping you make informed decisions about what, how, and where to migrate.

Digital Estate.

Assessing Your IT Infrastructure:

  • Inventory existing IT assets: List servers, storage, networking equipment, and data centers.
  • Identify migration candidates: Note their specs, dependencies, and usage rates.
  • Evaluate hardware condition: Decide if migration or cloud replacement is more cost-effective.
  • Consider lease expirations and legacy system support.

Application Assessment:

  • Catalog all applications: Custom-built and third-party.
  • Categorize by criticality: Identify mission-critical, business-critical, and non-critical apps.
  • Check cloud compatibility: Some may need modifications for optimal cloud performance.
  • Note dependencies, integrations, and data ties.

Data Inventory and Classification:

  • List all data assets: Databases, files, and unstructured data.
  • Classify data: Based on sensitivity, compliance, and business importance.
  • Set data retention policies: Avoid transferring unnecessary data to cut costs.
  • Implement encryption and data protection for sensitive data.

Based on assessments, categorize assets, apps, and data into:

  • Ready for Cloud: Suited for migration with minimal changes.
  • Needs Optimization: Benefit from pre-migration optimization.
  • Not Suitable for Cloud: Better kept on-premises due to limitations or costs.

These preparations ensure a smoother and cost-effective migration process.

Choose a Cloud Model

After understanding cloud deployment types, it’s time to shape your strategy. Decide on the right deployment model:

  • Public Cloud: For scalability and accessibility, use providers like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.
  • Private Cloud: Ensure control and security for data privacy and compliance, either on-premises or with a dedicated provider.
  • Hybrid Cloud: Opt for flexibility and workload portability by combining on-premises, private, and public cloud resources.

Choose from major providers like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and others.

Read more: Choosing the Right Cloud Provider: How to Select the Perfect Fit for Your Business

Your choices impact migration success and outcomes, so assess needs, explore options, and consider long-term scalability when deciding. Your selected cloud model and provider shape your migration strategy execution and results.

Select Migration Approach

With your cloud model and provider(s) in place, the next critical step in your cloud migration strategy is to determine the appropriate migration approach for each application in your portfolio. Not all applications are the same, and selecting the right approach can significantly impact the success of your migration.

Cloud Rationalization Strategies

Here are the five common migration approaches and how to choose the appropriate one based on application characteristics:

Rehost (Lift and Shift)

Rehosting involves moving an application to the cloud with minimal changes. It’s typically the quickest and least disruptive migration approach. This approach is suitable for applications with low complexity, legacy systems, and tight timelines.

Rehost (Lift and Shift) cloud migration strategy.

When to Choose: Opt for rehosting when your application doesn’t require significant changes or when you need a quick migration to take advantage of cloud infrastructure benefits.

Refactor (Lift Tinker and Shift)

Refactoring involves making significant changes to an application’s architecture to optimize it for the cloud. This approach is suitable for applications that can benefit from cloud-native features and scalability, such as microservices or containerization.

Refactor (Lift Tinker and Shift) cloud migration strategy.

When to Choose: Choose refactoring when you want to modernize your application, improve performance, and take full advantage of cloud-native capabilities.

Rearchitect (Rebuild)

Rearchitecting is a complete overhaul of an application, often involving a rewrite from scratch. This approach is suitable for applications that are outdated, monolithic, or require a fundamental transformation.

When to Choose: Opt for rearchitecting when your application is no longer viable in its current form, and you want to build a more scalable, resilient, and cost-effective solution in the cloud.

Replace or Repurchase (Drop and Shop)

Typically, solutions are implemented using the best available technology. SaaS applications may offer all needed functionality, allowing for future replacement and easing the transformation process.

Drop and Shop - repurchase (replace) cloud migration strategy.

Replatform (Lift, Tinker, and Shift)

Replatforming involves making minor adjustments to an application to make it compatible with the cloud environment. This approach is suitable for applications that need slight modifications to operate efficiently in the cloud.

Lift, Tinker, and Shift - replatform cloud migration strategy.

When to Choose: Choose replatforming when your application is almost cloud-ready but requires a few tweaks to take full advantage of cloud capabilities.

Retire (Eliminate)

Retiring involves decommissioning or eliminating applications that are no longer needed. This approach helps streamline your portfolio and reduce unnecessary costs.

retire cloud migration strategy.

When to Choose: Opt for retirement when you have applications that are redundant, obsolete, or no longer serve a purpose in your organization.


retain cloud migration strategy.

To select the right migration approach for each application, follow these steps:

Assess each application’s complexity, dependencies, and business criticality. Consider factors like performance, scalability, and regulatory requirements.

Ensure the chosen approach aligns with your overall migration goals, such as cost savings, improved performance, or innovation.

Assess the availability of skilled resources for each migration approach. Some approaches may require specialized expertise.

Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the expected return on investment (ROI) for each migration approach.

Consider the risks associated with each approach, including potential disruptions to operations and data security.

The optimal cloud migration strategy is based on two factors

Ready to harness the potential of the cloud? Let us take the complexity out of your migration journey, ensuring a smooth and successful transition.

Standardised approach for migration strategy

Security and Compliance in Cloud Migration

Organizations moving to the cloud must prioritize strong security and compliance. Security is crucial in any cloud migration plan. Here’s why it’s so important:

Data Protection:

  • Cloud environments handle large amounts of data, including sensitive information.
  • A breach could cause data loss, legal issues, and harm your organization’s reputation.

Access Control:

  • It’s vital to control who can access your cloud resources.
  • Unauthorized access may lead to data leaks and security breaches.


  • Many industries have strict regulatory requirements like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS.
  • Failure to comply can result in fines and legal penalties.

Here’s a short case study for HIPAA compliance – CI/CD Pipelines and Infrastructure for an E-Health Platform

Best Practices for Data Migration to the Cloud

Data Inventory

Start by cataloging and classifying your data assets. Understand what data you have, its sensitivity, and its relevance to your operations.

Data Cleaning

Before migrating, clean and de-duplicate your data. This reduces unnecessary storage costs and ensures a streamlined transition.

Data Encryption

Encrypt data both in transit and at rest to maintain security during migration. Utilize encryption tools provided by your cloud provider.

Bandwidth Consideration

Evaluate your network bandwidth to ensure it can handle the data transfer load. Consider optimizing your data for efficient transfer.

Data Transfer Plan

Develop a comprehensive data transfer plan that includes timelines, resources, and contingencies for potential issues.

Data Versioning

Maintain version control of your data to track changes during migration and facilitate rollbacks if necessary.

By following these best practices, considering various data transfer methods, and conducting thorough data validation and testing, you can ensure a smooth and secure transition of your data to the cloud. This diligence minimizes disruptions, enhances data integrity, and ultimately contributes to the success of your cloud migration project.

Cloud Migration Success Stories

When considering cloud migration, success stories often serve as beacons of inspiration and guidance. Here, we delve into three real-life case studies from Gart’s portfolio, showcasing how our tailored cloud migration strategies led to remarkable outcomes for organizations of varying sizes and industries.

Case Study 1: Migration from On-Premise to AWS for a Financial Company

Industry: Finances

Our client, a major player in the payment industry, sought Gart’s expertise for migrating their Visa Mastercard processing application from On-Premise to AWS, aiming for a “lift and shift” approach. This move, while complex, offered significant benefits.

Key Outcomes:

  • Cost Savings: AWS’s pay-as-you-go model eliminated upfront investments, optimizing long-term costs.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Elastic infrastructure allowed resource scaling, ensuring uninterrupted services during peak periods.
  • Enhanced Performance: AWS’s global network reduced latency, improving user experience.
  • Security and Compliance: Robust security features and certifications ensured data protection and compliance.
  • Reliability: High availability design minimized downtime, promoting continuous operations.
  • Global Reach: AWS’s global network facilitated expansion to new markets and regions.
  • Automated Backups and Disaster Recovery: Automated solutions ensured data protection and business continuity.

This migration empowered the financial company to optimize operations, reduce costs, and deliver enhanced services, setting the stage for future growth and scalability.

Case Study 2: Implementing Nomad Cluster for Massively Parallel Computing

Industry: e-Commerce

Our client, a software company specializing in Earth modeling, faced challenges in managing parallel processing on AWS instances. They sought a solution to separate software from infrastructure, support multi-tenancy, and enhance efficiency.

Key Outcomes:

  • Infrastructure Efficiency: Infrastructure-as-Code and containerization simplified management.
  • High-Performance Computing: HashiCorp Nomad orchestrates high-performance computing, addressing spot instance issues.
  • Vendor Flexibility: Avoided vendor lock-in with third-party integrations.

This implementation elevated infrastructure management, ensuring scalability and efficiency while preserving vendor flexibility

At Gart, we stand ready to help your organization embark on its cloud migration journey, no matter the scale or complexity. Your success story in the cloud awaits – contact us today to turn your vision into reality.

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What is cloud migration, and why is it important for businesses?

Cloud migration is the process of moving digital assets and services from on-premises infrastructure to cloud-based solutions. It's essential for businesses to enhance agility, reduce costs, and leverage advanced technologies.

What are the primary benefits of cloud migration?

Cloud migration offers benefits like scalability, cost-efficiency, improved security, disaster recovery, and access to cutting-edge technologies.

How do I choose the right cloud service model (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) for my business during migration?

The choice depends on your specific needs. IaaS offers infrastructure resources, PaaS provides a platform for application development, and SaaS delivers ready-to-use software. Assess your requirements carefully.

What are some successful cloud migration approaches?

Common approaches include rehosting (lift and shift), re-platforming, refactoring, and rebuilding. The choice depends on your existing applications and long-term goals.

What are the common challenges in cloud migration, and how can they be mitigated?

Challenges include data security, compliance, and application compatibility. To mitigate them, conduct thorough planning, implement security best practices, and ensure compliance with regulations.

Are there any real-world examples of successful cloud migrations?

Yes, many organizations have successfully migrated to the cloud. Case studies in the article showcase real-world examples of businesses that achieved significant benefits through cloud migration.

What steps should I take after completing the migration to ensure ongoing success?

Post-migration, monitor performance, optimize resources, implement regular backups, and keep your team trained on cloud best practices to ensure ongoing success.
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